Me last christmas!!

Me last christmas!!
This was me last chirstmas!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

It's a bitty day! What does a bitty do all day?

Hello! This is Bitty!! DaDa and I had a talk about this blog a couple of nights ago after he read me "The Little Engine that Could". He asked me, "Bitty..."

I said, "DaDa?"

He said, "You need to do another blog entry!"

I said, "Coooo?"

He said (he speaks Bitty you see), "and I think you should do something like, "The day in the life of a Bitty".

I said, "Kackle" (that's how I laugh).

So, here we are, a day in the life of me - Bitty...

First, I get up in the morning. Here you can see my standard "Science" hair in the morning:

I also love to check out my tongue often to make sure it's still there, as you can see.

If DaDa is awake, MaMa will bring me into DaDa to say GOOD MORNING DADA!! Here we are from just today (6/21/2014) when MaMa brought me into DaDa... Don't I just have a cute smile. MaMa has a beautiful smile too!!! I love MaMa and DaDa soooo much...

Next is breakfast! I love to eat and MaMa says I eat like a trucker - whatever that means. Here I am eating breakfast the other day at one of our favorite places - The Cracked Egg...

I love FOOD!! Then, sometimes MaMa and I go to music class or we go driving around and do errands. Sometimes we take Dog Dog with us (Dog Dog is Bennett). Sometimes we go SWIMMING with DaDa!! I LOVE LOVE to go SWIMMING. I am a little fish. I will swim between MaMa and DaDa, holding my breath and kick, kick, kicking like DaDa says. Sometimes I will swim from MaMa to the steps of the pool. I have not figured out how to come up for breath mid-swim yet, but I can make it to the steps and pull myself up usually. These are pictures of me in one of my floaties that I use to float around in the pool in. He's a frog and he has a little frog that it attached to him which I love.

Then... It's usually bath time and probably coming up on my late morning nap. Sometimes I have a lot of fun in the bath as you can see here....

Don't worry - that isn't poop it's paint. MaMa bought me some washable paint and let me paint all over myself and the bathtub. Isn't it cute!!

Then it's time for a nap....zzzzzzzz....Here are some pictures of me in various sleep modes...

Sometimes I don't go to sleep... I will scream and cry and DaDa will come in... sometimes he looks like this:

And when he looks like that I sometimes look like this:

Of course, DaDa can never really be mad at me.... so he will kiss me, give me my Baba (bottle) and then he will put me down and say, "Amy! Go to Sleep!!". Then, he will turn on my CD that he made for me with all the different music that I love!!

I will then usually fall off to sleep for my nap. Then, I get up.... Sometimes MaMa is doing errands and she will put me in what she calls "Pink Prison".

I have started walking and I love to dance. Here I am in my "Ping Prison" dancing my head off...

Here is a video that DaDa took of me dancing to one of my favorate tunes, the theme from "Psych"...

The outfit was a gift from DaDa when he came back from Cleveland!

From my Pink Prison I can see some of DaDa's favorite pictures. One reminds him of him and Grandma (who is no longer living) and one is a painting that my aunt Ruthie made. DaDa loves both paintings very much.....

I like them because they have pretty colors!!

Eventually, its time for Dinner and then bed... Sometimes we will go SWIMMING! Sometimes we will do something else, but we always eat DINNER!! Food!! Food!! Food!! I love food! Here are some pictures of me in various forms of eating.....

Then  It's time to get ready for bed. MaMa or DaDa will put on my Jam Jam's... Here I am in a pair of my Footie Jam Jam's... (why do they say "a pair" when it's just one Jam Jam? and why does MaMa say Jam Jam's (plural) when it's just a Jam? I don't understand - this language thing confuses me!)

Then it's off to bed and sleep for me, BITTY.... !!

DaDa didn't have any really current pictures of me in my Crib but MaMa has a few she's going to send to him. MaMa is hoarding a lot of photo's of me in fact!! MAMAMAMAMAMAMA send them to DaDa so he can post them! So, here are some picture of me in various stages of sleep...

So that's a Bitty day! I love you all!!

Remember - if you leave a comment here (click on the comments link below) then I'll have a memory of you that I can look at when I learn how to read. I'd love to sit down with MaMa and DaDa and read your comments together.



Tuesday, June 3, 2014

It's been a long time ... catching up....

It's Bitty!!! I've been so busy that I have not been able to update my blog for a while.
It's hard when you are a Bitty moving here, there, and everywhere.
So, I thought I would share some pictures with you....

First, I spent some time with my Brother Jared and Sister-in-law Catlin recently:

Yay! I love Jared and Catlin! We had dinner together with them and their family who was on their way to California.

I also went to Canada to see my Grandpa Vic and Grandma Jane.... Here I am with this great new toy that I discovered!! I look for these things all the time now....!!

This is my Mama and me at Disneyland...

 Here are some pictures of me hanging out with DaDa in his office.

Do you like me in my new hat? Also, this is my friend turtle that I use to float around in the pool a lot!!!

I have traveled a lot in the almost one year I have been alive. Here is a picture of one of the airplanes I've flown on:

Dada spends a lot of time on these airplanes.

I love food.... This was taken while I was eating BBQ with MaMa and DaDa...

and this is me saying goodbye for now.... but I'll try to do better keeping up on the blog. MaMa is sorting through a lot of pictures that I will post as soon as they are ready.

love Amster!!